$38,000 for a Friendly Face by Kristin Shepherd

Directed by David Booth
$38,000 For A Friendly Face takes place in our time, in a small town where Bronwyn Bain lived out the last years of her life. Her two daughters, Jane and Annie, arrive less than enthusiastically for their mother’s Celebration of Life, not having seen their mother in years. The town’s funeral home is run by Matt, who struggles to create a decent ending for Bronwyn and her daughters, and by The Last Supper Committee, a number of women responsible for the meals for funeral events. Preparations for the Celebration of Life deteriorate on every front. It becomes apparent that Bronwyn Bain was not well loved, and that there may be no guests. In the kitchen, The Last Supper Committee members, along with Alison, a young woman who does not leave after delivering flowers, hurl toward their own meal-destroying confrontations around the subject of death. The Celebration is saved, initially, by the storytelling of Alison and The Last Supper Committee. In the end, however, the day is saved by the understanding that none of us gets it right in life or death.