Seeking Flight by Joan Broadman

Directed by David Booth

Stage Coach Players will present the world premiere of “Seeking Flight,” winner of the group’s inaugural play-writing contest in the full-length play category.

“Seeking Flight,” written by Champaign native Joan Broadman and directed by David W. Booth, tells the story of Monty and Enzi, two parrots that are being used for psychology experiments run by Dr. Barstow. Enzi, only recently captured, urges Monty to join him in rebellion in his quest for freedom.

The cast includes Scott Montavon (Enzi), Jeff Whelan (Monty), Darlene Hillman (Dr. Barstow) and Jan Booth (Kate).

“Seeking Flight” is the first to be produced by Stage Coach as a “Black Box” play. “Black Box” plays will be produced outside of Stage Coach’s summer season and annual spring musical selection. They are plays that Stage Coach would be unlikely to produce during its summer season, due to smaller casts or subject matter.
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